Please visit  NIMS MDR XAFS DB

Then type In2O3 or In-foil in the search window to search data.

Recently, a paper for MDR XAFS DB was published.

Takahiro Matsumoto

2023年5月17日(水) 11:29 Shuting Xiang <shuting.xi...@stonybrook.edu>:

> Dear all,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire if any of you
> might have the XAFS spectra of In oxide (In2O3) and In foil. We are in need
> of these spectra as references for our ongoing research. If anyone would be
> kind enough to share these spectra with us, we would greatly appreciate it.
> Please feel free to reach out to me if you are able to assist. Your
> support would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
> Best,
> Shuting Xiang
> Department of Material Science and Engineering
> Stony Brook University
> shuting.xi...@stonybrook.edu
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