Hi Tim,

 Any file operation should be done at the client side. Modifying/deleting files 
in the server does hurt iFolder, as the meta-data of these files are stored in 
the Flaim Database, which will not match if such operations are done. Also the 
synchronization is initiated by the client, so performing such operations at 
the client will help.

 Client cannot automatically accept the iFolder membership, unless the user 
downloads the shared iFolder. There is no more invitation-subscription model 
for sharing. It is more a membership model, where the shared user gets the 
iFolder to be downloaded at his/her wish.


>>> "Tim Uckun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/22/2007 6:26 AM >>>
I would like to use something like logrotate to delete old files in
the /var/lib/simias/SimiasFiles directory

would this hurt ifolders?

Would the clients get confused and place the files back into the server?

If this is not a good way to go I would like to set up a machine which
would automatically subscribe to every ifolder it's invited to and run
the logrotate on that machine instead.  Is it possible to set up a
client to automatically subscribe to every ifolder it's invited to and
put the ifolders in a pre-determined path?
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