You have compiled igraph for Python 3.5, so you cannot import it in 2.7.

Plotting requires the Cairo module for Python. Please compile and install Cairo 
for Python 3.5 and retry.


> On 2016. Sep 21., at 8:49, <> <> 
> wrote:
> Thank you Tamas. But still I can't go forward by both of python2.7 nor 
> python3.5.1...
> when I run it by python2.7, I got:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-2-9e06b667a294> in <module>()
> ----> 1 import igraph
>       2 from igraph import plot
>       3 
>       4 g = 
> igraph.Graph.Read("/home/sizheng/hdg/sizheng/myfitness/1/3_1_5000.edges",format="edgelist")
>       5 
> /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/igraph/ in <module>()
>      32 # pylint: disable-msg=W0401
>      33 # W0401: wildcard import
> ---> 34 from igraph._igraph import *
>      35 from igraph._igraph import __version__, __build_date__
>      36 from igraph.clustering import *
> ImportError: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/igraph/ undefined 
> symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
> when I run it by python3.5.1, I got:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-2-40f2a8de40be> in <module>()
>       1 dd = g.degree_distribution()
> ----> 2 plot(dd).show()
> /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/igraph/drawing/ in 
> plot(obj, target, bbox, *args, **kwds)
>     444         bbox = BoundingBox(bbox)
>     445 
> --> 446     result = Plot(target, bbox, background=kwds.get("background", 
> "white"))
>     447 
>     448     if "margin" in kwds:
> /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/igraph/drawing/ in 
> __init__(self, target, bbox, palette, background)
>     115         """
>     116         self._filename = None
> --> 117         self._surface_was_created = not isinstance(target, 
> cairo.Surface)
>     118         self._need_tmpfile = False
>     119 
> /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/igraph/drawing/ in 
> __getattr__(self, _)
>     394 
>     395     def __getattr__(self, _):
> --> 396         raise TypeError("plotting not available")
>     397     def __call__(self, _):
>     398         raise TypeError("plotting not available")
> TypeError: plotting not available
> Regards,
> sizheng
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