On 05/08/2009 10:17 AM, Mehul Ved wrote:
> I have been looking for packages of courier-imap and courier-authlib.
> These both packages seem to be missing in Fedora, RHEL and CentOS. It
> would be great to have a package of courier-imap. If there's a good
> reason for not having it packaged/used, I would be interested to know
> why.

Most of the packages in Fedora are maintained by community volunteers.
The usual reason for any software missing is that nobody has volunteered
to do so.

courier-authlib, I see a dead review in


courier-imap, IIRC was in Fedora sometime back and then got orphaned
later but I haven't verified now.

If you want to be a package maintainer yourself, refer to


You can build for both Fedora and RHEL (via the EPEL repo)

Drop me a mail offlist if you need further help.


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