On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 1:13 AM, pavithran <pavithra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Great victory , lets help BOSS meet its expectations :)
thanks for the news item and the help offers/wishes. initially, the BOSS
team members are working with the Dept of IT, and then spread out to other
depts -- Agri, Forest, etc., Of course, one needs patience, and catch
in-house Open Source enthusiasts from each dept.

NRCFOSS/CDAC/BOSS is planning a mini workshop with about 20-30 participants
from engg colleges (staff/students) and ILUG membes -- to discuss about
BOSS community portal, maintenance, participation by members for FOSS/BOSS
support, etc.,

Since exams are on, am checking up with them to fix a convenient date
(preferably sometime next week).

will update you as to the progress.

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