Express Computer - Linux Special (Issue dated 25 Aug 2003)

Linux in the Enterprise

Tier-one Vendors

* NOISE or substance?

Tier-one vendors like Oracle, IBM, Sun, HP and others have announced their
support for Linux. Venkatesh Hariharan finds out if this is driven by the
'anything but Microsoft' sentiment, or whether there are deeper, substantive

NSE Case Study 

* Linux stars in Mission: Critical 

Linux is growing out of Unix's shadow and handling mission-critical tasks on
its own. The National Stock Exchange recently replaced a Unix-based system
for risk management with a Linux-based one and saved a packet in the
process. Stanley Glancy reports.


* "We are seeing more than 100 percent growth"

From college geeks to huge enterprises--whether organisations like LIC or
e-governance projects--many are moving to Linux. And according to Red Hat
India, the largest reseller of software and support for the open-source
code, the fraternity is growing. Red Hat India CEO Javed Tapia spoke to
Venkatesh Hariharan about the company's plans for India.

* "Our competitor is not proprietary software, it is non-consumption"

Rajesh Jain is a visionary who set up India's first portal, Indiaworld, at a
time when the Internet was unknown and commercial ISPs were a distant
mirage. After the spectacular sale of Indiaworld to Satyam that set off the
Internet mania in India, Jain shunned the limelight to focus on Netcore, a
company that builds ‘thin-client, thick server’ computing solutions targeted
at SMEs, education and community information centres in rural areas.
Venkatesh Hariharan interviews Jain to find out why he argues so
passionately for the adoption of Linux in India.


* Open-source software--panacea or peril? 

Does the open nature of Open Source make it more vulnerable to attack? Or,
does the ability to review code and submit bug fixes make Open Source
superior to proprietary software? Felix Mohan presents the pros and cons.

The Great Windows versus Linux war

For CIOs, the operating system is the foundation of the enterprise computing
infrastructure. The choice of an operating system is therefore a complex one
and issues like cost, security, availability of support, etc, have to be
carefully weighed before arriving at a decision. We asked two of the leading
operating systems vendors, Microsoft and Red Hat to present their views on
the subject.

* Windows is a better choice than Linux

Microsoft India says that all things considered, Windows is a better choice
over Linux.

* Open source is a disruptive technology

Javed Tapia says that Linux has moved up in the value-chain and has crossed
the chasm.

Total Cost of Ownership

* Everybody loves TCO

TCO (total cost of ownership) may be an overused concept, but with Linux on
the desktop Prakash Advani says that the benefits are immediately visible.

High Performance Computing

* Linux clusters go upwardly mobile

The fastest supercomputer in India runs Linux and the open source operating
system has a near monopoly on high performance computing in R&D and chip
design. However, it still plays second fiddle to Unix in the commercial
world, says Prashant L Rao.

Software Companies 

* Linux-based software development grows in popularity

As customers choose Linux as their IT platform, Indian software companies
are seeing a corresponding growth in the demand for Linux-based software

Application Reviews

* Applications on Linux

If the lack of office productivity software or unfamiliarity with Linux held
you back, here are some software packages that could help change your mind.

*  No purchase order required!

One of the best features of Free Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) is that
no purchase orders are required to test or deploy the software. You may,
however, need a big fat pipe to the Internet to download some of the stuff.
A quick list of some software that companies may find useful.


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