> My "fiat" is based on the "Carrot & Stick" concept, the carrot being I
> let the user livi in peace.

I am reminded of the ancient jungle proverb: talk softly but carry
a big quiver full of Bandar poison arrows. If every sysadmin had the
power to disturb the peace of his "user", the world's systems would
(probably?) have been much better admin'd.

> Luckily, perhaps, in my last 3 jobs I have managed to have good
> relations with the CEO, and by ensuring that Tech Policies are _signed
> and issued_ by him, I ensure his backing for when I hit the user.  At
> that point, the user has not broken *my* Policy, but the CEO's.

You, sir, are absolutely brilliant. This is _precisely_ the missing
piece in the sysadm's puzzle, which is also the same as the missing
piece in the ERP implementation puzzle, or various other organisational
puzzles. The CEO's signature and hand-in-blessing is either absent or is
invisible. Users then become monkeys.

> Yahoo works in different ways, but will fall back to HTTPS if all else
> fails.  HTTP may not be good enough, if your proxy is smart enough.
> But HTTPS is a direct connect.

Doesn't HTTPS also go through the proxy server? Therefore isn't it
possible for the proxy server to block it? Or are you referring to the
fact that in HTTPS, the URL itself is encrypted and therefore blocking
based on strings in the URL doesn't work?


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