 I was also thrilled to see thiis news on the TUG
list. By the way, The cartoonist Duanne Bibby is the
creator of the original  TeX and Metafont figures in
Knuths Art of Computer Programming series which
brought TeX to the world.

Here's a snippet about the ceremony in cvr's own
typically humble  words:
>It was a real surprise for me to receive the great
>gift through a
> video conference arranged with TUG on 25th instant
(till then I
> innocently believed that TUG wants to facilitate us
>on our 15th
> anniversary, which fell on 25th) wherein Wendy McKay
>of TUG, US
> announced and read the citation, while K Bazargan
(my >UK partner) who
> flew in carrying the neatly framed drawing,
presented >it to me.  I was
> moved with the kind of recognition coming all along
>the way, even
> while trying to answer myself -- do I really deserve
>this much
> appreciation?


> > which you can view at:
> >
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > -- Raju
> wah! kyaa baat hai! am thrilled to see this. mega
> congratulations to
> cvr. love the illustration and typography on the
> http://frodo.hserus.net/mailman/listinfo/ilugd 

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