[Forwarded since Ashwin's posts don't seem to make it to the list...]

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(1 message)

From: "Ashwin Baindur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hot News! The Assault of the Momo-Eaters and other Linux issues
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:52:25 +0530


Hot News! The Assault of the Momo-Eaters and other Linux issues

New Delhi is under  threat ! The latest outrage was committed by a group of 
Linux buffs in Dilli Haat on citizens enjoying a tranquil Sunday afternoon 
in the salubrious surrounds of Dilli Haat. The ILUGDites, as they call 
themselves, demolished every plate of Momos and  Pav Bhaji and drank every 
cup of Coffee they came across - leaving an aghast citizenry open-jawed and 

We spoke to Mr Khidki, from the MegaHard corporation who bitterly reproached 
the incident  ,"We shall not allow these cyber terrorists from preventing 
peaceful companies from carrying out legitimate profitable business. They 
hound us everywhere with their viral licences. Now they trouble us in Dilli 
Haat also during our few authorised moments of peace ."

The Thana i/c Dilli Haat Goon Squad stated that the following were 
identified at the scene by witnesses :-
Self-styled Generallisimo Raju Mathur - wielding threats of an unknown 
Weapon of Mass Destruction - codenamed GnuPG.
Supython Sethi - Hissss.
Penguinhead Kaushal - The arch enemu of Windowsman.
Kishore 'Moneybags' Bhargava - the fiendish financer.
Tarun 'The Evil Secretary Bird' Dua
Jazzmeet UnWorthy
Xyberdip(aka Nagadeepan)
Ashish 'The Cyber Kid' Mukherjee
Vivek 'Logo Loony' Khurana
Anuj Sharma alias The Man from HCLPEROT
Sudev 'Still Threatening to Learn Linux!' Barar
Wee Wee Wiwek
Chief Big Pony Tail Chandra - How!
A Lolita named Sharma from the Great Beyond with sidekick Bob 'Who needs 
Mike?' Adkins
Rajesh Kumar (a very sinister and secretive character indeed - even the FBI 
worries about such people with perfectly normal names).
and of course Ashwin Baindur - the Fastest Mouth in the West of India

Well, there they all were. Had the Thought Police but known - they could 
have rounded them all up - except for one archenemy who stayed away from the 
Matrix - Linux Lingam.

The conspiracy began at a shady corner of the Dilli Haat auditorium - after 
Raju scared mooning couples away with a red pill! The gang true to form 
turned up in ones and twos to avoid detection. The early birds got sprained 
necks from watching out for beautiful birds - who could well have been 
planted by the cops to spy on the meet. Thoroughly disappointed at not 
finding this to be the case, they then sprained the other side of their 
necks trying to decide which of the Dilbert characters heading doggedly for 
the fence at the very end of Dilli Haat could possibly be the Highly 
Intelligent ILUGDites coming for the meet.

The first agenda item of the meeting was the forming of the Secret Terrorist 
Society. The President Designate Raju Mathur and Treasurer Designate Kishore 
asked for a Secretary Designate. The two contenders - Tarun and Vivek (not 
Wiwek) slugged it out till Tarun got his arm-twisted by the hoi polloi into 
accepting the job for a complete 12 months. He is to be aided, despite his 
wishes, by Vivek. To sidetrack Vivek from the glory that will be his as 
Founding Secretary, Vivek has been tasked with a miracle - to get three 
viable logos for the Holy Grail project of ILUGD - The Sacred Penguin Toga 
sometimes called a T-shirt. That should keep him busy, hee hee hee!

The second agenda point was who was to be given the plum post of being the 
convenor of the next meet. There being a very large number of aspirants, 
Ashwin clinched the deal by offering free beer to the Selection Committee. 
Jagmohan Dalmiya, watchout! So the next meet will be at Ashwin's. Since 
Fauji's can't count beyond five, the meet is going to be basically Gnubie 
oriented because they are about the only people Ashwin can impress with his 
NO-ledge of Linux. Anyway if there's beer - sab kuch chalta hai.

The third point that Raju had to make is that such 'do perl or die' issues 
can only be concluded when the pact is signed in blood! So he expects all 
the ILUGDites to donate blood for his favorite vampire - the Red Cross near 
Parliament next Sunday. More from him online later.

The meeting then decided on the nefarious activities to be undertaken.The 
first is for ILUGDites  to strike at Linux Bangalore. After that organised 
mayhem at the LINUX Meet in Delhi next February. Ambition! Ambition!

It was after this point that things got out of hand. The people at the 
Honest and Fresh Coffee stand were threatened into turning over a large part 
of their premises for the orgy of momos and pav-bhaji that ensued - things 
began to get quite hot. The stand-owners were finally bribed into silence by 
ordering gallons of coffee. The last point to decide before leaving was to 
decide that the next meet will be a real 'bash'.


End of this Digest

Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
                      It is the mind that moves

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