Hi Raj,

I'm probably asking you to repeat this but have been going through the
mailing list mails and could'nt find the mail that gave details of
LinuxAsia...could you repost? I am basically looking for
dates/timings/venue to reach a decision what to offer to present/demo.

Akshay Lamba

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Raj Mathur
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:17 AM
Subject: [ilugd] ILUGD at LinuxAsia2004 status

Hash: SHA1


One day (well, 1/2 day) has passed since my morning e-mail, and wanted
to update you on the status of the preparations for LA2004:

- - Sudev has offered a fully-functional LTSP demo.  We're moving!

- - Ghane (known to the police as Sanjeev Gupta), who'll be speaking at
the event, has promised us 5 PCs complete with monitors, keyboards,
mice and network cards.  Way to go!  You did mention that one of them
would have 1G memory, didn't you Ghane? ;-)

- - Ankur Rohatgi (an old-time Linux fan who, unfortunately for us, has
been away from the community for too long a time now) has promised 2
17" monitors.  Thanks!

- - Sandip Bhattacharya was the first volunteer to raise his hand -- and
we hadn't even started threatening him yet!  Thanks, Sandip, I will
sleep easier knowing that you're there.

- - Tarun Dua is back tomorrow (5th -- today?) evening and getting after
the t-shirt maker to deliver 200 t-shirts by day-after.

- - Tarun is also planning to spend a few sleepless nights making CDs
for sale.

What we're still missing:

Volunteers!  C'mon, Sandip can't do everything alone.  Please roll up
in your hordes and make this event one to remember!

Signage.  Beg, threaten or coerce your family/friends/anyone else good
with a brush in her/his hand to make posters.  The more the merrier,
and none get turned away.

Cash.  Let's take this step when we get a bit closer.  No tearing
hurry about it right now.

Demos.  If you can implement a demo and be there or train volunteers
in time to be able to showcase your idea, please contact the list
ASAP.  Heterogeneous networks?  Schools?  A funky server?  Bandwidth
management?  Something esoteric like networking using Ham radio, or
another place where Linux is not normally seen?  C'mon, let's have
your ideas!

All in all, we're moving well, let's keep up the momentum.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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