Hi Linux Users,
I have a suggestion to make using linux more easy and more popular from our 
community(Delhi Linux user group).
Just making ourself of asking and responsing questions we can do something more 
i know, All of us have some mastery in our respective domain.We should start a project 
on this website (or some other convenient place) where we will put article's regarding 
configuration, programming etc. in such a simple language that a most stupid person in 
the universe can easily understand them. It is only posible if article will be result 
of our actual practicle work.
Let me take a very simple example example (i am programmer)...
a article may be how to install java on linux...
in this case we can show which variables need to be declared (like JAVA_HOME), how to 
set path for bin directory etc..., in the same manner as how i installed on my 
computer..line by line..command by command...
i think you may understand what i want to say...such a work is very necessary in the 
field of system administration...
true, there are so many documentations but either they are out of date or written in 
such a way that it is re-inventing wheel by each person who want to do that.
this is my personal experience as i have written a small documentation of installation 
of iReport (utility to draw report using java) and getting respons from around the 
in this way we may save time of many of peoples and if they will find our 
documentation helpful,certainly they will be with us keeping penguin in there hand.
Anyway this is my view ...if you don't like it and have something hard to say to 
me..pls excuse me...
have a nice day.

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