Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
Plus the fact that, apart from the half-dozen or so people getting all
worked up about the issue, nobody seems to have any idea what the site
is/does/wants, or what the fuss is about.

I assume it is about the fact that Creative Technologies wishes to have control of the trademark for their Audio equipment and MP3 players, on which someone in ILUG-D has ported Linux. So it seems quite OK that people are worked up over Corporate Policies vs grassroots movements.

I know the Creative guys here in Singapore, can I help? We do have business relationships with them, so perhaps ...


Creative is a trademark of Creative Technologies Pte Ltd. Linux is a trademark of Linus Trovalds. ILUG-D is a trademark of the Society-to-be. Singapore is a trademark of Temasek Holdings Pte Ltd. Technology is a trademark of the Technology Research Group, Inc. MP3 is a trademark of the Joint Photographic Experts Group. MP3 is a trademark of MP3.com. Delhi is a trademark of Sher Shah Suri.

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