>>>>> "Sandip" == Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sandip> On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 13:08 +0530, gaurav wrote:
    >> Hi guys, I want to know if fedora is good enough for production
    >> Even though I not much problem running my fc servers all people
    >> I have consulted say I should use debian (and no I cannot pay
    >> for RHEL).....is it based on facts like security holes, bugs
    >> and response , patches availability or some general perception
    >> ??

    Sandip> Part of it is fact, and a part is perception.  For
    Sandip> perception, take a look at
    Sandip> http://atulchitnis.net/writings/eyeballtrap.php

    Sandip> And about the facts...  Sysadmins running production
    Sandip> servers tend to be a bit conservative about the software
    Sandip> running on them. e.g. you will still find people running
    Sandip> Red Hat Linux 7.3 (I am one of them). Debian stable
    Sandip> appeals to these people because of the emphasis given on
    Sandip> stability rather than being current. Fedora Core packages
    Sandip> a lot of software which are in their current
    Sandip> versions. With not much history behind them, these
    Sandip> sysadmins find it uncomfortable to risk their systems on
    Sandip> such unknowns.

    Sandip> On the other hand, Fedora Core is good enough for most
    Sandip> other applications - you can run web staging servers, mail
    Sandip> servers, database servers etc. without too much trouble.

    Sandip> Just remember that whenever people talk about "stability",
    Sandip> every one has a different view on what stability means
    Sandip> .. and in many cases it is different from what they
    Sandip> actually need.

I can see more flame wars in the making, but here goes anyway...

I have been steadily moving my clients over from old versions of Red
Hat to Debian over the past few months.  And yes, I hate getting stuck
with pre-historic software as much as the next person.  So what I do
is migrate to Debian Sarge (the Testing release).

You'd be surprised how extremely stable Sarge is.  On a subjective
note, I'd say Sarge is at least as stable as FC3, if not more.  One
server I manage is handling scanning and relay of 1M mail messages a
day over the past 4 months (Sendmail, ClamAV, SpamAssassin), and is
rock solid -- no problems at all and consistent load average under 5,
usually under 1.  Now THAT is what I like to see in my client
production boxes -- fewer calls to me, you see :)

I liked Sarge so much that when I bought my new desktop box (I'm sure
you've all heard of it by now ;) I got rid of the FC that I'd been
running on all my other systems and installed Sarge on it.  This was a
couple of months ago, and I haven't regretted the decision once so
far.  Everything works out of the box, the system is stable, new
versions of all software I use are available, and apt is a dream to

Have a good look at Sarge if you want both the stability and security
of Debian and the cutting edge packages of FC.  And of course, if you
run into any trouble I'll be glad to help you, for the usual nominal
fee :)

Gotta go now... time to install another 6 Sarge boxes in Gurgaon.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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                      It is the mind that moves

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