On 06/23/2005 06:39 PM, nitin gupta wrote:

> Nitin Gupta
> Xaprio Solutions
> (First Indian Web-Dev company to completely shift to Linux)

Are you sure you want make such tall claims, besides being only 5 months
old, there are tons of other companies?

Quoted from your website :
"The Comapny deals with complete Web-Developemnt from Scratch to small
Scripts Installation, From eCommerce based web-stores to Data Entry,
>From Applications in Visual Basic to Games in VisualC++, From Cheapest
Reseller Hosting packages to Expired domain names, We have something for
everyone and that's our speciality."


"We provide the solutions using some of latest technologies such as PHP,
MySQL, ASP, .NET, Javascript, VBScript. However our approach is "You say
it, and we Do it"."

Plus you might want to fix the numerous typos on your site too.

- Ankur.

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