On 6/26/05, Viksit Gaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> > Is anyone able to run matchbox UI
> >
> > http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox/
> Sure, whats the issue? I've been running it pretty
> happily for quite a bit now.. almost 2 years iirc.
> On X86, you require a bit of configs etc, but on any
> PDA/Handheld, including the iPaq and the Cassiopeia,
> it has run without too much trouble.

Hi :-)

@ Viksit
What steps did you followed to get it running on your desktop? I dont
have a PDA, so i guess, i will have to satisfy my hunger with
emulators :-)

BTW, which PDA you have? what was its cost?

@ Ankit
Read that article. Infact, Maemo is another awesome thing thats being
pushed by Nokia. http://maemo.org  I'm already trying to set it up on
my desktop.

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