
--- Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> LA and LB? There is a competition? I had no clue,
> honestly. I dont see
> how either - there are too few Linux based events
> happening in the
> country, and my feeling is that the more the better!

Yeah, the only trouble is that the too few events
themselves are fragmented. There IS a popular feeling
that this is what is happening.

> Snuggle up to LA? LA is a vendor-targetted meet
> where ILUGD is more of a
>  "guest" given certain lollipops to stay happy. How
> many ILUGD members
> feel emotionally attached to LA anyway?

Exactly. This isnt/wasnt well known to the general
public at all. Due to any number of reasons..

> LB being more community based (from what I have
> read. I might be wrong
> coz' I have never been there), it is a world apart
> in the first place.

You're right, it IS more community oriented. But the
very fact that it is so, and the community doesn't
want to support it is the problem.

> Have people working out these conspiracy theories
> ever considered
> distance and cost to be a factor? Four days
> to-and-fro travel by train
> for a three day meet? or big bucks for a return
> flight?

The point here isn't that you *have to go ahead and
travel the distance to participate. But, as a very
relevant email on the LB'05 list points out - almost
30% of the janta who shows up is outstation..

> For most people regional events are more suitable,
> and feasible. We need
> more events througout the country, not consolidation
> of events.

Regional events are good, but they need to scale to
the international level. Gathering crowds is ok, but
the content needs to be great as well. Which is why
people from around the world/country need to attend
it, and speak/give out their comments on issues and

And isn't this where a regional organization like a
LUG has a major role to play? Doesnt it make sense for
other such 'regional' entities to participate with
them? No one's trying to consolidate here - its just
that things happen that way. It wouldn't make sense
for a guy from Pune to attend only the Bombay events,
or the delhite to attend only the ilugd events.
Irrespective of whether you can physically attend the
event - your opinions/suggestions would go a long way
in making it a success.


Viksit Gaur
Deptt. of CS&E, Yale University

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