On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:33, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> On Monday, 22 Aug 2005 1:19 pm, hassath wrote:

> Hassath, let us discuss this without getting bitter. I understand the 
> frustation, and I do agree with AMS that atmosphere in the LUG meets is 
> something that will make women (or children or any elderly people) 
> uncomfortable.
> Like someone recently said - nobody tries to make the environment 
> women-unfriendly.  However, while I agree that the atmosphere is not right, I 
> also have to bring it to your attention that this is a chicken and egg 
> situation too. Because there are no girls or women or children generally at 
> these meets, people have conversation in a manner which would otherwise not 
> be acceptable in front of other sections of the population.
> We have had this discussion before, yes, but the reasons why they were 
> inconclusive was because it was discussed primarily between us males only.
> Hassath, there are certain aspects of male conversation which we know are not 
> appropriate if women are around (jokes about pr0n, for example). However, 
> there are many other aspects which only a woman can sensitize us about. As 
> you pointed out, you found an official announcement in bad taste. There would 
> be some parts of that which are immediately understandable as being 
> inappropriate. However, there might be other parts of the conversation which 
> might not be so clear to others. We need help on this from women like you. 
> Please help us "clean" out all our official announcements on Freedel, for 
> instance.
> Just as we need people with experience in dealing with physically challenged 
> persons, to sensitize us about building accessible technology, we need help 
> from women professionals like you who deal with such issues everyday, to help 
> make ILUGD more "friendly" to all sections of the population. (Uh. huh. Bad 
> analogy -> might be taken otherwise by certain people. I am not trying to 
> make any insinuation about women being challenged in anyway. ... Sigh. See 
> how difficult being politically correct all the time is?)
> - Sandip

Yeah, if being gender sensitive is so difficult, and being patriarchal
is so easy, maybe I made a mistake in raising the issue. 
And Sandip, my bitterness is not the bitterness of this thread on this
mailing list- it is the bitterness of countless women being marginalised
and being subjected to patriarchy by the dominant sex over centuries in
various fields of life. 
Why can't you all help with empowerment- so that women don't feel
bitter? I repeat- I am not bitter against the few males who have helped
me learn what I do know, as far as FLOSS is concerned. If you can't take
a certain amount of bitterness from the marginalised, then maybe you
shouldn't be interacting with them. Have you noticed what has made me
bitter- even limiting it to the list? Please try to understand.

If bitterness becomes more of the issue,than the issue- then i really
don't know. Like i said, I brought up the issue cos i thought the list
was actually interested in changes. If it isn't, then sorry- I take my
hands off.


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