> Is there any freeware/downloadable software for
> PCQLinux 2004;

All software for it free. Well, *Most*. Thats 98% or

> for those
> who are using Oracle & also for those who are using
> Coral photoshop on
> windows.

Oracle ships for linux. You need to buy it. Corel,
doesn't make photoshop. Adobe does. Corel PhotoDraw(?)
and CorelDraw are being experimented on for Linux, but
there are no releases, and no chance of them becoming
free any time soon.

> Also does ming is able enough to edit the flash
> files on LINUX(PCQlinux
> 2004).

Ming is a library you can use with php/perl or c++ to
*generate* swf or fla files. There are no Ming-GUI
tools like Macromedia Flash. You could try flash4linux
if you want something similar to that.

As for their availability on PCQL'04 - No reason why
you shouldn't be able to install these on it.


Viksit Gaur           


Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't mean you should treat 
everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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