On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 11:53 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> was curious to know if anyone of the list knows of blackberry being used 
> with Linux OS. and if so what are the reviews etc.
> and was seeing on the net that there is anothr device called Treo.
> How do the two compare.
> would appreciate your various opinions.

Here's what I know about blackberry & linux:

1. There are 2 components to the blackberry solution - the server (that
polls your mail server for new mail) and the handset.
2. The handset is on closed source proprietery OS. I don't know of any
plans to move to linux.
3. The blackberry server is hosted on a windows server machine
4. I know currently the blackberry server can integrate with outlook and
lotus notes email servers to poll and transmit email to your handset
(also reverse traffic for sync)
5. I believe there is a roadmap in place for integration with open
source mail servers too like postfix/sendmail though I don't think it is
currently supported.

Now, comparison between Trio and BB:
1. Try google.com
2. The basic solution features of BB are push mail and security, since
they are pushing this mail post encryption.
3. You can compare this with the basic solution features for Trio and
see how it goes, from what I remember, Trio is just a simple
SMTP/POP2/IMAP pull based solution.

Akshay Lamba

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