Dear Mithun,
  1. Did you run a chkconfig I think there is a problem in the line

  Order allow,deny          Allow from All

2. Why do you need to enable ExecCGI on your document root ?

  Actually my server was not executing cgi but after doing scriptalias it is 
executing such scripts.
3. Are your scripts given execute permission ?
yes .. it is 755 and working properly..
4. Do you have the following entry at the top of every perl file:
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
yes offcourse...
  We have some testing tools which run as scripts....i want to convert them in 
web based. they are working as root and need access to some directory outside 
document root. that's why i need to run them as root. But apache is not 
executing them as root. I got information to rebuild apache with suExec 
support. But rebuilding of server is not possible. 
  If you have any idea,,pls suggest me. previously i have done same things with 
suidperl  but it is not on our server.
  have a nice day.

Mithun Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- santosh dubey wrote:

> Dear All, My apache server is not executing cgi scripts instead it
> is showing only text of perl settings in config file are
> given below. Pls suggest me where i am wrong... 
> -------------------------- DocumentRoot "/spare3/ihs/default/htdocs"
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/spare3/ihs/default/cgi-bin/" AddHandler
> cgi-scripts .cgi # set basic permissions Options
> FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AllowOverride None 
> AllowOverride None
> Options +ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow
> from All 

1. Did you run a chkconfig I think there is a problem in the line

Order allow,deny Allow from All

2. Why do you need to enable ExecCGI on your document root ?

3. Are your scripts given execute permission ?

4. Do you have the following entry at the top of every perl file:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT


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