One of the biggest challenges facing LUGs at the moment stems from the
fact that a growing number have existed for ten years or more. Many of
us know each other quite well, and newcomers often find it difficult to
get a word in without feeling that they're somehow offending those to
whom their problem seems trivial and not worthy of detailed discussion.

Some LUGs occasionally flare up into completely pointless flame wars
that start over trivial macho tendencies of many members to prove their
technological prowess at every opportunity. This tendency has led to
some community fragmentation, with a single group forking into a group
for veterans and one for newcomers.

The problem is that such segregation comes at a cost and is often
detrimental to the overall community because it discourages the
involvement of newer members who might in time come to pass valuable
information to those who come after. -- Jon Masters, in January 2006 issue.

ILUG-Goa meets on Dec 17, 2005 (Saturday). Wanted: lightening talks.

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