Gora Mohanty wrote:
> Hi,
>    At the ILUG-D meeting on the 25th,
> I would also like to have an open discussion on the following items:
>   1. Mentoring student programmers in FOSS: 

>   2. Better collaboration with other LUGs, the National Resource
>       Centre for FOSS (NRCF), and other parties.

What is the NRCF about , what resources does it provide

I have been meaning to write a short summary of our
discussions with Prof. Krishnan and others of Anna
University-KBC and NRCF. These have happened at foss.in
and elsewhere, and I believe that the NRCF could play a
very significant role in FOSS activities in India. I have been
travelling since the meet, and haven't had time to do the
summary, but will sit down and do it tonight, as I think that
it is important for the community to take advantage of what
the NRCF is offering.

>   3. Helping organizations migrate to Linux.

Having migrated to Linux am interested to know what are the strategies 
organizations are adopting and what problems are being faced. Particular 
interest is in organizations that do not have Sys Admin skills and those that 
are deploying at the user / desktop level. And those that are migrating their 
legacy hardware as well.

We had a brief discussion on this issue at foss.in. All were 
agreed that such migrations should be supported by the
FOSS community. We even agreed to try and ensure that
each LUG helps in at least one complete migration per
year. At the meeting there wasn't anyone with actual
experience in such migrations, but a couple of important
points raised were that the initial impetus should come
from within the organization seeking to migrate, and that
for sustainability, such efforts need to be funded.

> I would be glad to prepare a short presentation outlining
> these areas, but getting involved in any of these would
> require a concerted effort on the part of ILUG-D members.

would it be possible to upload the presentation to the ILUG website so that 
some of us remote members may access it.
OK, I will volunteer to write a short summary, and also make
whatever slides I have available online.


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