Some response in line -

--- Saurabh Nanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> o I read some articles about Linux running into
> troubles with Intel Centrino
> based laptops -- especially the WLAN card. Can
> someone give me a first hand
> account?

No good experience yet.

> o Other factors remaining the same, there's a
> difference of about Rs 10k
> between Celeron-M and Centrino based laptops. Is the
> gain in performance
> worth the cost?

Compare L2 cache. It makes difference depending on
use. If you are just surfing web and checking Emails,
it doesn't matter.

> o AMD Sempron Mobile or Celerom-M?


> o AMD Turion-64 or Centrino?

If you are going to or able to use 64 bit feature then
yes, its good to go for Turion-64 otherwise bells and

> o Other than the Acer Aspire series, are there any
> AMD based laptops
> available in India?

> o From where can one get Lenovo R-Series in India? I
> couldn't find them on
> the website.

Some Lenovo R series have security chip in them that I
am not sure if you can use them with Linux but you
could create your encrypted file system with it.

> o Acer, Compaq, Zenith, Lenovo, Dell -- any first
> hand experiences wrt
> reliability, after-sales support, etc?

Toshiba and Lenovo are reliable. I've heard bad
stories about Dell.

> o Any specific recommendations or reviews of the
> laptop(s) that you have
> purchased

Everyone has its own pros and cons, your choice may
depend on its use. Toshiba may give value for money.


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