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Hi Nitin,

Firstly, request you to keep this on the mailing list so that everyone
gets a chance to contribute and benefit.

>>>>> "Nitin" == Nitin Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Nitin> Hello, I am sending this email directly to you, coz you are
    Nitin> the only one, who can help me out. Please help me :)

    Nitin> I used grep and it showed me the data. It means all of it
    Nitin> is in HDD and is recoverable. Now i want to copy all of it
    Nitin> to another partition such that it is readable. I googled
    Nitin> and found this command,

    Nitin> # dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/hda5 bs=512 conv=noerror,sync I
    Nitin> tried it, but to my utter surpise, it didnt copied
    Nitin> anything, or if it did, it did all of it in binary again,
    Nitin> which is not readable. :(

You only need to copy the specific blocks where your mail folder is.
That's why you use the -b flag to fgrep (to find out the byte offset
where your text was found).  Once you have the byte offset, the
chances are that the rest of the mail file will also be around there

So you convert the byte offset to a block number and use dd with the
options I'd given you to extract the file from the partition.  Blindly
giving commands that you find on the 'net isn't going to do much for

    Nitin> How can i get the data readable?? I am mainly looking out
    Nitin> for my emails and databases, but it would be gr8, if i can
    Nitin> get all of it, as all of it is still there ( i greped it
    Nitin> and it showed up) .

You'll have to read, work, think and apply.  There's no silver bullet.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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