Fond memories at the mention of Linux Asia.. Was it
just a year and two ago that we had Smoke on the Water
playing till it hurt, and trying to get in to the wifi

Was it the time when the Linux Delhi stall was the
best thing which happened since sliced bread? And
statistics which really pointed to a higher number of
people at the LUG stall than the actual conference
itself? All of them couldn't have been the hanger-ons!


Winter mornings and 6am watches on computers and other
equipment - late night dinners at defence (colony)
establishments (anyone heard from AshLin?) - and funky
after parties involving funny slashdot founders and
guitar playing hackers?

Demos of technologies which were to affect a number of
companies and people, and the entire bunch of
volunteers from across the city who helped out.. Demos
of awesome graphics and cool games, coupled with
T-Shirts featuring phenomenal captions.. Banners with
overtly dressed penguins, and intense discussions on
why samosas are bad for lunch.. 

So what if these things arent happening this year - no
one stands to lose out do they? Just because a
conference and its organizers (are asinine enough to)
refuse to accept or even acknowledge what is probably
one of the most active linux communities in the
country.. the spirit doesn't go away. Which is not to
say the conference won't benefit anyone. Sure it will.
Go attend it, and learn from it. Just keep in mind
that there are certain issues here which are
ideological and political in nature, rather than

There will be more events - more banner designers,
more volunteers to get coffee, more wifi hacking,
guitar playing and parties, and more importantly,
(this is being cached by google), platforms which
showcase and mean a lot more to the community than a
conference which is so obviously .. er, commercial?

<End Rant>


--- Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> dear all,
> less than a week left for the launch of
> linuxasia2006 on feb 8th..
> that's six days away.
> what's up?
> viksit, you in town, helping with banners?
> raj, you've got your fsf and ilug-d teeshirts ready?
> vivek, distros in hand to sell at Rs 25 or Rs 50?
> kishore, counting the contributions and cash
> already?
> sudev, ltsp up and running?
> mary, got some snazzy demos ready?
> anandshankar, what's your take this time?
> sandip, you in town?
> surpreet, any cool new compilers to talk about?
> sartaj, kde kitthey?
> arjun, whazzup?
> [man! the list of the tireless crew is endless,
> add your names here!]
> is fsf-india coming this year too?
> is amitabh in town to bring along his guitar to jam?
> is brian behlendorf coming?
> ?
> niyam
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