On 2/20/06, Linux Siva.... <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hai
> i am using RHEL -4, I want to install bugzilla in this
> system. I used this software
> (bugzilla-installer-1.4.tar.gz) i got it from
> http://www.softwaretesting.de web-site.
> During installation I get the following error :
> DBI connect (';localhost;3306','bugs',...) failed:
> Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) at ./checksetup.pl line 1434
> Can't connect to the mysql database.Is the database
> installed and up and running? Do you have the correct
> username and passwork selected in localconfig?
> i have installed all the perrequisties what they
> mentioned in http://www.bugzilla.org Please help me to
> solve this Problem.
> regards
> Siva.
> hey,

Is mysql running on your system if not,start it and then check.


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