Gora Mohanty wrote:
> Heh, thanks for the headscratch. I think what you are seeing is an
> effect of symbolic links. If I understand your description above
> correctly, you can get the same effect by doing
>   mkdir ~/mydir
>   ln -s ~/mydir ~/mydir  # Create a symlink to itself within the dir.
>   touch ~/mydir/a ~/mydir/b   # Create some sample files
> Is this what you mean? This might have happened due to some 
> misconfigured package. You can tell whether ~/mydir/mydir is a symlink
> by doing a "ls -l ~/mydir" which would show an arrow in the name of
> the symlink. It is probably OK to remove it, unless the package is 
> somehow dependent on it. In any case, it does no harm to leave it in
> place.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/theo/Troubled_files # cd delhi\ fes\ mtg/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/theo/Troubled_files/delhi fes mtg # ls -l
total 6648
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo   25600 2005-09-02 09:01 Declaration.doc
drwxrwxrwx  12 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 delhi fes mtg
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo  101888 2005-09-02 09:01 Dharchula29Oct04.doc
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo  286720 2005-09-02 09:01 final report.doc
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo 3531375 2005-09-02 09:01 full_report.pdf
drwxrwxrwx   2 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 gallif
drwxrwxrwx   2 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 Gallif-25April05
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo   37376 2005-09-02 09:01 hrworkplanjune05.doc
drwxrwxrwx   6 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 medplantheofin
drwxrwxrwx  12 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 medplantsrep
-rwxrwxrwx   1 theo theo   29696 2005-09-02 09:01 rst meet 27th july.doc
drwxrwxrwx   3 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 theofc2tofc3
drwxrwxrwx   5 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 theo_ta_bill
drwxrwxrwx   2 theo theo    4096 2005-09-02 09:01 wildmeat
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/theo/Troubled_files/delhi fes mtg #

So I can't see any symbolic links but what is visible is the strange 
directory name delhi\ fes\ mtg/ so I renamed the folder to delhi_fes_mtg 
and it seems to have solved one level of problems at least. Now I had 
repeat directories only till the 5 level, which I have deleted and now 
have one hopefully clean directory.

Though I still don't understand why this should happen -

> Regards,
> Gora

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