Tanveer Singh wrote:
> On 3/9/06, Tushar Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      This seems to be slightly off-topic of this thread but why
>> shouldnot 32 bit stuff  run on 64 bit ? If any one can lead to any
>> pointers or a correct google query it will be great :)
>> Regards
>> Tushar
> Should not? No why here. 32bit stuff runs fine on 64bit systems.

hi Tushar,

32bit apps run fine under the > 32bit stuff that the x86_64 
specifications stipulate ( its not 64bit, but thats another conversation 
for another day on another thread ).

one of the reasons a lot of people say it wont run is because either 
their package management system is incapable of handling dual / multilib 
and needs funky chrooting tricks or they run the 'build eveyrthing 
yourself' sort of distro's and lack the ability to cleanly build 
i386/x86_64 pacakges.

look at your options, choose a distro that has the functionality you 
need - and things work fine ( as I type this running thunderbird/i386 on 
a x86_64 laptop ).

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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