>> > http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=251
> though the configurations were almost the same in our case but the
> only solution posted here was that i should switch to ubuntu... is
> that the only solution??
> does the fc4 kernel really have problems???
>> http://www.wplug.org/pipermail/wplug/2003-October/019929.html
> this one doesnt have the solution either

Hi Abhinav,

This is a driver problem, you need to insmod correct module from kernel to 
work a particular device.
Its not the problem of Fedora, Fedora distribution have fairly well no of 
hardwares support. You can download the network driver and compile it even 
if it is not supported at the rare case.

You need to see:

lsmod eth0
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
lspci -vv

For debugging the problem

You also need to verify /etc/modules.conf having the correct module against 
device eth0
do your m/c have only one card and what does it make of?


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