On 7/15/06, Puneet Lakhina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> I need to see what all requests my browser(firefox 1.0.7) is sending.. is
> there any place where i can make the browser log these things? Or is there
> like a proxy like thing that i can install and make my browser go through
> this proxy and then the proxy can spit out the details. I am really
> clueless
> about this, so if anyone could please give some pointers it would be great
> help. I tried googling but didnt find anything relavent.
> Im using Ubuntu 5.10
> thanks
> --
> Puneet


Squid + Sarg can give you the details what you are looking for. Squid is the
proxy and sarg will give you the details of the site your browser is



With netstat you can see your network connections  like which website you
are connected  etc. read the manpage of netstat

Comes default with Redhat checkout on Ubuntu

Ntop also gives you details of the network connections (Lan + Internet).



Ankush Grover
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