Yashpal Nagar wrote:
> Hey
> Can't you just sit and see the discussion?  wait for the responses rather
> than putting your nose and killing the thread of discussion.
> BTW how much difficult it is to sit if you don't know anything apart from
> creating noise?
> Gurus, please correct if it is wrong to discuss nmap in a linux list that
> too for a good cause like audting? But someone unneccessarily putting it in
> the context of cracking/hacking.
Yashpal I agree with you about nmap not being offtopic, I've myself 
discussed nmap, ntop, etc. on the list with a view into audit, however 
I'll leave the moderation to the list admin's. Let's handle the 
sensitivity separately and get back to the topic.

I've used both nmap and nessus as an audit tool and you might want to 
look into some of the nessus reports generated to match it with your 
audit requirements. nmap is fantastic for OS fingerprinting however I 
believe nessus uses nmap too as part of its tests to determine a number 
of parameters. Hence, nessus might just cover the entire gambit of 
things u're looking for here.


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