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On Thursday 08 February 2007 10:57, Janani Gopalakrishnan wrote:
> [snip]
> "Isn't open source about being 'open', isn't it about a free
> market, isn't is about giving everybody a chance, isn't it about
> higher talent and ideals winning over lower ones, isn't it about
> people making their own 'choices', then what is wrong in Microsoft
> participating? By trying to shut Microsoft away from the Linux
> world, aren't you shutting competition away, and in a way playing
> at their own 'closed' game? To the best of my understanding of
> 'openness' as a word (and not as any hi-fi tech term), if one wants
> to fight Microsoft, the right way is to stand right next to them
> and prove you are better! Put up a stall right next to theirs and
> say, 'Hey, here, our products are placed on a level playing field,
> next to each others', now you judge for yourself, aren't the OSS
> offerings as good as Microsoft's?'"

Firstly, if you want to end a discussion, it's usually a good idea not 
to throw more ideas at it.

As far as being open is concerned: openness and freedom don't mean 
``Anything goes''.  E.g. if I manage a free software mailing list 
(which I don't) it doesn't automatically become a forum for 
discussing Hindu-Muslim relations, the nuclear deal with America or 
promoting software patents or proprietary software, simply because 
the list charter includes the words ``free'' and ``open''.  Entities 
such as mailing lists and events have a focus, and anything outside 
that focus area is to be eschewed.

I think the questions being asked here (I could be wrong, of course) 
are (a) What is Linux-Asia's focus and (b) Does MS' presence at LA 
contribute to that focus or detract from it.  If the answer to the 
second question is that it detracts, then ``open source'' cannot be 
used as a reason to justify its presence.

To repeat the old adage, your freedom to move your fist ends where the 
tip of my nose begins.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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