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ILUG Delhi is proud to announce yet another incarnation of it's annual
FLOSS event, Freedel 2007.  Book:

  September 28 and 29 (Friday and Saturday)

to be in Delhi and join us for 2 days of FLOSS, fun, feasting and
freaking out.

Some of the changes you will notice when you join us Freedel this year

Topic and level driven.  All talks and workshops will be categorised
into one of the following streams:

- - System administration
- - Collaboration and Communications
- - Scientific and Research Tools
- - Native Language Computing
- - Legal aspects of FLOSS (licensing, DRM, policy, etc.)
- - FLOSS in India, community, etc.

Within each stream, all talks and workshops will be categorised by
relevance to Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced users of FLOSS.  No
matter what your experience with FLOSS, there will be something of
interest to you.

Variety of talks.  Freedel 2007 will have a wide range of items on the
agenda, including seminar-style talks, BoF sessions, in-depth
workshops and panel discussions.  Suggestions on items to include in
the agenda are always welcome.

Community driven.  We are actively inviting LUGs and other interested
bodies to work with us on Freedel 2007 from Day 1 and become part of a
larger effort.  Expect a formal announcement for participation soon.

New partner.  In 2004 it was Jamia Hamdard, in 2005 PHDCCI and in 2006
JNU.  Who's the Freedel partner going to be in 2007?  Well, I can't
tell you just yet, but keep your ears, and eyes and minds open :)
We're discussing partnership with an eminent body, and hope to have
things finalised by the end of this month.

Suggestions?  Questions?  Willingness to participate?  General
chit-chat about the event?  Please join the Freedel mailing list at:


To subscribe, send an empty message to


with just the word subscribe in the subject line.  Please report any
issues to me.

Please forward to any fora you think this message may be relevant.
Look forward to your joining us!


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
                      It is the mind that moves
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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