On Saturday 05 May 2007 15:34, PJ wrote:
>  [snip]
> How about someone just records the audio of meetings with their mp3
> player (3000Rs for a 2GB mp3 player - or maybe do it with a cellphone
> or desktop/laptop instead) at an acceptable voice bit rate, and
> archives the audio online (eg ourmedia will let you do that for
> posterity). It wouldn't be more than 10 or 20MB a meeting and is
> pretty easy to do.

Oh Puhleeze!  I will not agree to that until someone volunteers to edit 
out the unparliamentary stuff, the discussions about food and the 
horseplay and personal abuses that go on in the meetings!

-- Raju
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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                      It is the mind that moves

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