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On Monday 14 May 2007 17:22, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> Karanbir Singh wrote:
> > Lokesh Bhog wrote:
> >> Microsoft claims that free and open-source software violates more
> >> than 230 of its patents, according to a magazine report published
> >> Sunday. In an interview with Fortune, Microsoft top lawyer Brad
> >> Smith alleges that the Linux kernel violates 42 Microsoft patents,
> >> while its user interface and other design elements infringe on a
> >> further 65. OpenOffice.org is accused of infringing 45, along with
> >> 83 more in other free and open-source programs, according to
> >> Fortune. More info at
> >> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6183437.html
> >
> > This isnt really anything important - its the usual banter that has
> > been carrying on for a long time. Nothing really specific to worry
> > about there.
> Actually, there might be a pattern here. The Novell pact, and then
> this. Seems linked to me. M$'s pact with Novell, gives Novell
> customers "immunity" to exactly this kind of attacks to their
> business.

Microsux's semi-annual FUD-fest against the FLOSS community and users.  
Each time they announce some new breakthrough against FLOSS (either 
directly or via proxies like Novell and SCO) they get some press 
coverage, the Fortune 500 shake a bit in their collective trousers, 
3.725 users leave the FLOSS community and buy Vistula, and then things 
get back to normal.  Await the next installment -- in September?

MS will not take patents against FLOSS to the courts in the foreseeable 
future since even if they win the case in the USA -- which too is 
looking more doubtful by the minute -- they'll still bring the non-US 
(primarily European) market into a head-on software is patentable vs 
non-patentable war, and the chances are that software patents will get 
a final rejection in the EU.  If that happens, any hope that MS may 
have had of taking this patent war worldwide will be over, and they 
will have to curl up in the US (if they win there), and forget about 
the rest of the world.  Are they willing to take that risk?


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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