Hello all,

I was trying to set up a system which would allow me
to use two different monitors on one machine -
basically, extend my current desktop across two
monitors. Since I don't have (and don't want to buy) a
dual head, I thought I'd fix up an older Nvidia card
into this machine which already has an intel
integrated chipset. 

Has anyone done something like this before? Trawling
the web, I found a couple of links on the Ubuntu
forums (I'm using feisty fawn) -


The only issue is that most of these have been tried
with  similar cards - Nvidia/ATI et al. No one seems
to have tried it with an Intel and an Nvidia card. (My
Nvidia is a viper 770, which was lying around
somewhere, and the Intel is a 945G)

Further, out of the possible options - Xinerama,
MergedFB, BigDesktop and TwinView - might anyone have
recommendations based on experiences on which is most


Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

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