On Thursday 12 July 2007 23:02, Linux Lingam wrote:
> [snip]
> gotcha! here's the exasperating thing:
> even *if* i publish my music under a copyleft and/or free license, or
> just give it away royalty-free,
> the RIAA *will* collect royalties for *all* music broadcast or shared
> on the web.
> so as an artist you could just give up and collect your money from
> them, or donate it to them so they keep screwing the consumer as a
> beggar-king, or you could just stop publishing music totally.
> find references here:
> http://www.freepress.net/news/22887

So how does it affect my Internet radio station with artists from, say, 
Europe, server based in Germany and promoters based in India?  Are we 
liable?  I mean, the last A in RIAA does stand for ``Assh^H^H^H^H 
America'', doesn't it?


-- Raju
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