On Tuesday 07 August 2007 09:13, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On 07-Aug-07, at 8:20 AM, Raj Mathur wrote:
> > 1. Easily recognisable
> nope - it was rejected by all parties to the dispute as implying that
> linux is a gnu project
> > 2. Unambiguous
> yes - claims linux as a gnu project
> > 3. Clear as to import
> yes - see 1 and 2 above
> > 4. Sufficiently close to other terms (Linux, GNU/Linux) to be
> > considered
> > a derivate
> and sufficient to irritate both sides of the debate
> > 5. Not a redefinition of anything
> redefinition of *everything*
> > Further, Niyam gave clear reasons why he uses that term instead of
> > the full GNU/Linux, which convinced me, at least.  I for one don't
> > see any reason why he should not continue to use that term till it
> > falls out of
> > his ears if he so desires.
> what are these typographical problems? I could understand if it was
> '\' which has many meanings. In my opinon, leaving out the '/' is
> sheer laziness - and creates unnecessary trouble. Do not disturb a
> convention that has been settled for around 15 years.

Right.  Sending goons with hockey sticks around to Niyam's house right 
now to make him see the error of his ways and repent before it's too 

Your friendly neighbourhood terminology Nazi,

-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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