On Saturday 01 September 2007 09:57, Jay wrote:
> I am newbie to shell script programing. I was trying to write a
> script which will compile all the .cpp file in a folder as mention
> below:
> for f in *.cpp; do gc++ $f; done;
> mv *.cpp /data/jay/success
> mv *.out /data/jay/success
> And this is working fine, but the issue is, if any .cpp file is
> having compilation error, my batch execution getting stuck. Can
> anybody help me out to ignore the compilation error and jump to next
> file compilation? And also, how to move all the error files with log
> file to a different directory.

Try something like:

for i in *.cpp
  out=`basename $i .cpp`.out
  g++ $i -o $out && ( mv $i /wherever ; mv $out /wherever )
done > LOG 2>&1

The files remaining in the current directory are the ones that didn't 
get compiled.  LOG will contain the compilation log.

The snippet above may not work exactly as advertised, so be sure to test 
and fix before running on live data.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
 Freedom in Technology & Software || September 2007 || http://freed.in/
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