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On Friday 14 September 2007 09:49, Janani Gopalakrishnan wrote:
> Microsoft is criticised much by the FOSS community -- one or the
> other aspect of it. Their software, their ways of doing business,
> their attitude, whatever. My belief is that whenever somebody
> criticises they will also have a potential solution in mind -- and I
> felt, why is it that the solution aspect is barely discussed wrt the
> Microsoft issue :-) So, I am throwing this question open to you...
> "Is there some aspect of Microsoft that you do not like? If so, what?
> And more importantly, how do you think they can correct this flaw of
> theirs (if you think they can)?"
> [snip]

I don't really object to MS, all I object to is their way of doing 
business.  The biggest flaws that come to mind are:

1. Deprecating security in favour of features and publicity.  I'm sure 
you've heard about the Storm worm, which has created botnets of 
(depending on your sources) 5 to 50 million PCs worldwide.  These 
botnets are only possible because of the weak security in MS' operating 
systems.  If MS had spent more money and effort on securing their OSs 
instead of adding (IMO) useless features perhaps we would not have a 
situation today where the amount of spam on the Inetrnet (from those 
same botnets) is doubling every week and credit card and identity theft 
are rife with various mafias controlling one tenth of the world's 

2. Using unethical practices to railroad their demands through.  The 
most recent example of this is the one where MS has been blatantly 
lobbying and buying support in various countries in order to get its 
OOXML approved as an ISO standard.  We (India) were lucky enough to not 
fall for it, but many other countries just capitulated to the favours 
and money thrown at them by a desperate MS and voted against their best 
interests.  This is only the latest in a long list of documented 
unethical practices by MS.

3. Using monopoly and FUD to suppress competition.  As an example, the 
whole software patents game is basically an effort by a group of 
companies (with MS in the lead) to maintain its monopoly position in 
the OS market.  Everyone with half a clue knows software patents are 
bad for innovation, and cannot be equated with patents in any other 
field in any meaningful way.  However the question of introducing 
software patents keeps cropping up from time to time everywhere, purely 
to pander to monopolistic concerns.  Similarly the ``Linux violates 235 
MS patents was extreme FUD by MS, backed up by zero information or 
facts makes it difficult to classify any of their claims except into 
the FUD folder.

4. Pandering to business partners.  The only reason Vistula contains 
heavy amounts of DRM is because Sony, MGM, Apple Records and their ilk 
want it.  DRM doesn't help the consumer at all -- in fact it prevents 
the consumer from performing actions on her content that are actually 
legitimate.  Why anyone would buy an OS that sets out to deprive them 
of their rights is a question I have not been able to fathom.

How can they improve?  By giving up unethical practices and becoming 
consumer centric; if becoming ethical and catering to their consumers 
means they die as an OS vendor, let them do it with grace.  I don't 
really have any great hopes of that (grace from MS), though.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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