On Friday 14 September 2007 12:02, Linux Lingam wrote:
> > Tirveni willing to come to give a talk about freed.in anyway, why
> > not go with that?  Technical topics should be slotted for the main
> > event, not mini-events at each college.  What do you think?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -- Raju
> [blaring ship horn]
> are we turning into misers of sharing-knowledge?
> in trying to hold back or be reluctant to share gyaan, thinking that
> just a 'snake-oil' talk on freed.in at a college at their time will
> work in freed.in's favour and entice people to turn up?
> this is not how knowledge-sharing, community-building, and
> value-systems of what i consider foss work.
> seems like we're more bankrupt than bankrupt, already.
> looks like there's hardly any knowledge or gyaan or inspiration to
> share with college-kids thirsty for any spark, from the foss
> community. too little of it around. artificial scarcity, or artifical
> intelligence, killed all our natural intelligence?
> [rest of meaningless rant snipped]

Er, perhaps you missed the announcement about freed.in, an event that 
JNU and ILUGD are organising specifically to do all the things that you 
want?  In fact, one of our target audiences happens to be academia and 
students.  The event will share gyaan, not only from ILUGD members but 
from well-known people in the Indian and International FOSS 
communities, at no charge at all to any of the participants!  So let's 
cut the cr*p about not wanting to share gyaan right away, shall we?

Of course, organising such an event takes effort, time and energy.  So 
one of the questions facing us is, should we, as organisers of 
freed.in, spend whatever time we have making the event useful to its 
audience, or should we spend 6 hours (which could have otherwise been 
used for fine-tuning freed.in-related work) going to a college, and 
basically talking about the same things that they would hear by 
attending the event, and with lesser expertise?  IMO a good event will 
be of much more value to all the participants than individual talks at 
individual colleges from people who are rushed for time and probably 
not particularly well-prepared to talk about anything at all ad-hoc. 
OTOH, if you feel that strongly about it there's nothing stopping you 
from volunteering to go and talk about the spirit of freedom.

BTW, have you been taking lessons on FUD from MS by any chance? ;)


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
 Freedom in Technology & Software || September 2007 || http://freed.in/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves

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Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
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