On 9/22/07, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 21 September 2007 12:15, Jasbir Khehra wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Therefore, is my assumption correct that to enforce GPL compilance ,
> > the complainant has to be one of the following two individuals :
> >    a) Author of a GPLed software
> >    b) End user or consumer of a product which contains GPL software.
> > And not any other third party ??
> As far as I know only the copyright holder of the software can file for
> a copyright violation.
Hmm , well so in that case we should have some proxy set up in India
who can on behalf of the Copyright holder  file a case, for example in
the case of Harald Welte against D-Link , Herald acted as a proxy on
behalf of the original copyright holders,
quoting from the english translation of the judgement of the case [1]
With three contractual agreements designated "Fiduciary Licensing
Agreements", the exclusive rights to copy,to distribute, and of public
display, as well as the right to allow a third party to undertake
modifications in the programs, were transferred for three software
programs to Plaintiff: Mr. Werner Almesberger, who is an
Austrian citizen, transferred these rights to Plaintiff for the
software "msdosfs" on December 12, 2004 (Annex K5)
Purpose of my suggestion is for doing up all the legwork before hand
so that its easier to file for GPL violations when the need arises :)

>  IANAL however, and before you decide to bump
> off Linus Torvalds and then merrily violate GPL on the Linux kernel,
Violate GPL , no way!!!  maybe the tenor of my question made u think so :P

[1] http://www.jbb.de/judgment_dc_frankfurt_gpl.pdf


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