
>P.S. In any case, it is possible to restore the iPod
to >"factory  
>defaults" erasing everything on the disk. Even if the
>goes awry you can always connect it to iTunes and
>restore it.

Not necessarily. My ipod was rendered unusable for
about 3-4 months before I could get it working.
Basically I used amarok on Ubuntu to transfer some
files , and later as soon as I used to connect the
Ipod to a win machine, Itunes used to crash. Later on,
even amarok stopped detecting the ipod. Even gtkpod
did not recognize the it.

Finally I used some freeware and deleted all the songs
from the ipod, and now I can use it using gtkpod.

Moral of the story - Stick to one application for
transferring any songs.



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