Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "Puneet" == Puneet Lakhina <puneet.lakhina <at>> writes:
>     Puneet> Hi,
>     Puneet> I have to frequently find the process ids of particular processes
using a
>     Puneet> combination of ps and grep.
> You can try 'pidof'[1], if you're simply interested in find pid of a
> process :)
> [snipped]
>     Puneet> But I was wondering if there was a way for me to specify this in
the regular
>     Puneet> expression for the first grep itself.
>     Puneet> I tried ps -elo pid,args|grep "myprocess\\!(grep)"
> The argument of grep is a regular expression (type 3 language), and
> there is no way you can do this in a type 3 language. Even 'grep' also
> matches 'grep' text when you pass '-v grep' argument to 'grep' command
> line, and then only outputs unmatched lines.

Type 3 and all that: reference:
Makes my eyes glaze over.

And ps output formats confuse me (see the man page if you want to make your
eyes froth and bleed like in a horror movie).

Puneet, with GNU ps what you're trying to do might be done by:

ps -A | grep myprocess

and if you really want to use the elo options (using that makes my GNU ps
barf so I haven't tested it), then maybe stick [] around the first character
in myprocess (ie, make it: [m]yprocess, see if that does the job):

ps -elo pid,args | grep [m]yprocess

I don't think there's a restriction on excluding the inclusion of grep in a
grep based on it being type 3.



PS: pgrep, pkill, pidof (like others have said) may be handier for your needs.

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