Lets put the humor aside for a minute shall we? :)

--- Samal B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shall we opt for linux as it is freely down loadable
>  as there  is a feeling
> among people that anything that is free is not
> genuine (not as good as something
> that commands a high price)?

It depends on how you define reliable. A solid piece
of software with defects that are the same, if not
less than something you would pay for? Then yes, Linux
is as reliable as Windows. If you're looking for
customer support like Microsoft provides, you'd be
happy with Linux too, since companies like Red Hat,
SuSE and others provide such support services - for a

That said, the world's most popular web server
(Apache) was written, and is mostly deployed on Linux
(or similar OSes). And yes, most people who run it use
the free version because there IS no paid version to
speak of.

- Viksit

Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't mean you should treat 
everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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