On 31-Mar-08, at 3:10 PM, vaibhav khatavkar wrote:

>  It will be my pleasure to OSM (since its under GPL)

OSM data is not under GPL

> But i am not
> able to find any extension of osm for Joomla ... can anybody  
> suggest me
> Joomla extension for osm ... ?

check out the osm wiki
> Not neccesssarily osm .. but the free software which will serve my  
> purpose
> (to show my company location on my website)

you dont need free software for that. You need free maps - and I  
think OSM is the only one available. btw, it is quite possible that  
you will have to draw the map in OSM to show your company and the  
roads to it. But that is no big deal. OSM has a tie-up with Yahoo  
maps for that and you can use Yahoo maps as a guide to drawing the  
map. Of course be aware that Yahoo maps are not terribly accurate -  
but again no big deal, just take a few hours off and make GPS traces  
around your area.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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