On 02-Jul-08, at 5:41 PM, Goldwyn Rodrigues wrote:

> I am looking from the perspective of a newbie who is doing his first
> installation, and sets his timezone as India. (S)he tries to find
> Delhi on the drop down list but fails to find it, and probably later
> resorts to the map. Yes, (S)he does have a choice but not what was in
> his mind.

Why on earth would a newbie look for a city 3000 miles away? A newbie  
doing his first install will logically look for Chennai in the drop  
down list, and not finding it will go for Calcutta. So it should be  
changed to Chennai according to your logic. All you are doing is  
fanning the flames of regionalism, chauvinism, confucianism and god  
knows what else. For heaven's sake leave this alone and go do  
something useful.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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