> Anyone know why Google prefers to start applications competing with
> existing FOSS projects (and then freeze them) rather than collaborating
> with and strengthening the existing applications?  They hit Openmonko
> hard with their Android announcement and then tarpitted the developers,
> so now both Openmoko and Android are sufferers.  I'm concerned that a
> Google browser announcement would end up migrating Firefox developers
> in the thousands to that platform, for a product that is nothing but
> vapourware right now and which no one knows when will see the light of
> day.
> Not too late to start supporting the existing developers and projects
> instead of starting your own incompatible projects, Google!
> Regards,
> -- Raju

I strongly trust this is the best analysis and something of grave concern.
So, is Google doing more harm than good? If yes, what do they get out of
this whole thing? They must pay heed to the concern of the community.

Raj, may I use your comment, with your name, against a news item in Google
Chrome in EFYTimes (http://www.efytimes.com/efytimes/28556/news.htm)? At
least the blind supporters should be aware of the damages. I hope you will

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