On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 3:30 PM, आशीष शुक्ल Ashish Shukla <wahjava.ml@
gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
No wonder -- reasons
* Govt policies are hard to change and hard to setup.
* Lack of proper awareness and lack of proper administration.
* Lack of bandwidth.
* Lack of students, who are motivated for FOSS contributions. It will be
very difficult to find a student,  who will go daily to administration to
make them understand and will brings some changes and ultimately will go
will least grades from IIT at the end of the day.
* In IITM this was possible because , there was a a full administration
otherwise you will not found these things is so called prestigious

For setting up open repository for Delhi, we need to have donated servers +
few admins ,
I do not know whether we have such things in Delhi or not . If anybody(s)
donote good bandwidth + space, I am ready to setup in fedora repos atleast.
Can such project can be sponsor by govt or industry and what is the
procedure ??

Again, I do not know, how much it is needed. Will is be benefical to have a
repo at Delhi ?
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