I am stuck with a RH Enterprise 4.0 desktop at work. Due to very
obvious reasons, upgrading to 5 is not possible.
This leads to a big problem
Frefox 3 won't run because it wants newer pango.
Of course I can build a new pango, but that requires 500 billion other
packages rebuilt and 50000 billion errors and crashes.
Its such a royal mess that I don't even want to go there again(did it
once and ended up screwing everything up, was luckily building in a
separate dir, so rm did the work

Now this poses a problem. I am stuck with firefox 2

The only way out?
Somehow get a ff3 static build for linux. Is it possible to get one? I
remember long time back when firefox was firebird, there used to be
some kind gentlemen who used to build static binaries for firebird for
all platforms.

For firefox 3.0 I am not able to find any static binary. I understand
that with static binary its going to be huge, but space is not really
a big issue.
any help please

Tanveer Singh

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